
Gree Technology

Manufactoring Electronics

The Gree have one of the most singularly amazing methods of manufacturing. In difference to the majority of civilized species, they possess not a single mass-production assembly line. Each manufactured item is a custom produced item.

The Gree have taken robotic production to a new level with their production technologies. Each manufacturing robot is a self sufficient, completely automated production facility. Any single robot can produce any product, needing only an applicable software program. These programs are publically owned, and any person may access and use any program. Once a program is activated, the robot begins construction.

Even Gree manufacturing is revolutionary as most products are made of a mineral compound that is "grown" into the finished product. This is not to be mistaken for organic technology, as the material is not organic. It is a mineral compound that is not living during, or after construction. The substance is a naturally occurring mineral, found suspended in the oceans of their planet. When an electrical current is passed through a metal screen, the material congeals on the screen, and solidifies. The final product compares very closely in mass-strength ratios to high grade aluminum alloys. It is water and airtight, and through it's design characteristics, can be made to be soft and flexible, or hard and rigid.

When a product is required, a robot is programmed, with either a pre-existing program, or a customized one, and released to begin manufacturing. The first thing it will do is travel to an area that is known to be rich in metals, where it collects enough so that it can begin construction. It will then return to the site of it's owner, and begin creating a metal screen and sub-frame. Once that is done, it will electrify portions of the screen and the actual construction will begin.

For small projects, a few days are all that is needed. On larger projects, such as a small spacecraft, multiple robots will work in unison, though often over a wide area. Only one robot is capable of operating in the immediate vicinity so as to not deplete the mineral content of the water (which would retard production, and risk inferior products). Several robots, working over many square miles, can build a complete spacecraft in less than one Standard Month. As the individual pieces are created, small transport droids fetch the individual pieces and bring them to the place where one (or more) of the robots will assemble them.

Gree jealously guard their computer technology, and release only very basic information about their computational abilities, or manufacturing processes.

From what has been learned, Gree electronics are as interesting in their design and production as their manufacturing process is. Each circuit board is created by small, slug-like sea creatures. Through sophisticated methods, not understood outside of the Gree species, but possibly involving telekinesis, the small creatures are guided across a circuit board. The trail of excretions these minute creatures leave behind is only a few molecules thick. After all the trails have been laid down, the circuit boards are exposed to the atmosphere, and solidify into an electrically conductive material.

The newly hatched larvae of these same slug-like creatures are microscopic in size, and are used to create integrated circuit chips. The method behind this is completely unknown, but it is believed that the creatures tunnel through a small block of mineral, turning it into an IC chip in the process. How the creatures are manipulated into creating a working IC chip is not known, but the end results can certainly be seen.

Information storage (computer memory) is created from very pure crystals, that seem to hold electrical charges at the molecular level. The crystals grow in a standard diameter of about 10cm, and are 12 sided. Whether these are naturally occurring, or manufactured, is unknown. A single wafer is less than one millimeter thick, yet seems capable of retaining billions of bytes of information. If these facts are correct, and they certainly appear to be, then the Gree have created (or found) the most effective memory devices of any of the known races.

The problem in ascertaining the validity of these abilities lies in the secrecy of the Gree regarding this subject, and in the inherent design of the computer systems. Those few computers that have fallen to the hands of outside researchers were rarely in the best of conditions. Further complications exist in that the computers use the Gree's own written language, which is mostly unknown by other races. The majority of data exchange between the computer and the operator is aural, and not visual, which makes it very difficult (if not impossible) for other races to use it.

While there have been a handful of attempts made to build a working interface between a Gree computer and a regular computer system, very few have had even limited success.

See Also:
Gree Exobiology

Collins Encyclopedia Galactica - All Contents © Eddie Collins , Chris Page & Rob Asumendi